Tool monitoring
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Maximize equipment efficiency and longevity in construction warehouses

Written by
Sebastien De Grauwe
Activity tracker

High-quality tools are essential for construction companies and technical services, as they are at the heart of the delivery of their services. Without these tools, professionals such as painters, carpenters or electricians would be unable to carry out their work. Effective management of this equipment, often underestimated in terms of cost, becomes crucial.

The added value of power tool activity monitoring

Imagine if we could extend the life of our tools by automatically monitoring their use. HeronTrack makes this possible, transforming the way we manage our resources.

Daily challenges in tool management

In day-to-day practice, it's hard for a manager to keep track of the status of tools that are constantly on the move. For example, when a team borrows a core drill for a week, it's difficult to check whether the tool is being used continuously without accurate data. These uncertainties can lead to significant opportunity costs and lost time, problems that HeronTrack aims to solve by providing clear visibility and reliable data.

HeronTrack features and benefits

  • Improved efficiency: real-time data provided by HeronTrack optimize workflows and resource allocation.
  • Preventive maintenance: Early detection of anomalies helps avoid costly breakdowns and unscheduled downtime.
  • Increase tool life: Monitor usage patterns to extend the life of your equipment, while positively influencing user psychology.

Practical example

HeronTrack's latest innovation, the vibration sensor, is part of a range of sensors that can handle different types of machine, from small portable power tools to tower cranes. What was missing was a sensor that could measure activity without connection to the machine (like Canbus for construction equipment), and that was easy to install. The new HeronTrack sensor, developed in collaboration with Per Aarsleff, is the answer. Installed on tool motors via an integrated magnet, there's no need to handle cables, and the sensor self-calibrates to immediately start measuring hours of activity.

The advantages of Per Aarsleff 's vibration sensor are manifold. The solution enables proactive maintenance management by automatically alerting the operator to maintenance needs, whether the machine has more hours than expected or, conversely, if it is not being used, thus reducing unnecessary downtime on worksites and optimizing the number of maintenance operations carried out. Real-time tool location also ensures efficient use of resources, boosting overall productivity.

Easy to install HeronTrack:

HeronTrack installation is simple: insert the chip into the tool, download the application onto your smartphone, and start tracking! No technical expertise is required.


Extend the life of your equipment and track it efficiently to maximize your return on investment from the very first year. HeronTrack is an essential investment for optimum management.

To find out more about tool tracking, please contact us for a demonstration.